
Exercícios sobre Simple Present

Exercícios sobre Simple Present nas Formas Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa

Para revisar a explicação da matéria clique nos links abaixo de cada exercício.

1) Complete usando o verbo em parênteses no Simple Present na Forma Afirmativa: 

a) She   everybody. 

b) I    cats. 

c) They   every day. 

d) She  in the library. (study)

e) We    stamps. (collect)

f) He   his clothes. (wash)

g) She  to work at 9 a.m. (go)

h) She  a lot. (cry)

i) It   bananas(like)

You   lots of apples. 

2) Escreva as frases na forma Negativa do Simple Present: 

She eats vegetables every day.

b) They live in London.

c) We learn French at school.

d) I like apples.

e) He sings in a band.

f) You drink tea.

3) Escreva as frases na forma Interrogativa do Simple Present: 

a) She loves coffee.

b) They live in Buenos Aires.

c) She eats chocolate every day.

d) We learn Portuguese at school.


e) I dance with my sister.

f) He likes his new neighbor.

g) You drink a lot of water.

h) He fixes everything.

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