
Fábula: The Lion and the Mouse + Exercícios

The Lion and the Mouse

Ative as legendas em inglês para acompanhar a leitura
no próprio vídeo ou leia abaixo.

One day, a mighty lion, tired from hunting all morning, laid down to take a nap under a large, shady tree.
Some mice that lived at the foot of the tree scrambled over the sleeping lion to return to their home.

But just as the last mouse was 
crawling over him, the lion woke up.
The lion laid his big paw on the little mouse, trapping him. 

The mouse was very afraid. He apologized to the lion for disturbing him and begged him 
to spare his life and let him go. 

The lion pitied the little mouse, so 
he lifted his paw and set the mouse free. 

Some time later, the lion was 
walking near the mouse's home. 

The lion accidentally stepped on a 
trap set by a hunter, and a net made of thick ropes captured the lion and pulled him up into a tree. 

The lion struggled to free himself 
but could not. 

His angry roars rumbled through the forest as he became upset and afraid. 

The mouse heard the lion's cries.

Remembering the lion's kindness
the mouse ran to the tree and climbed up to the trap. 

He used his sharp little mouse 
teeth to gnaw through the thick ropes and set the lion free. 

The lion and the mouse were 
friends forever after. 

Both of them had learned that it is good to help someone who has helped you. 

Moral of the story

Good deeds are rewarded.

1) mighty = poderoso

2) tired = cansado

3) take a nap = tirar uma soneca

4) tree = árvore

5) scrambled over = passar por cima

6) crawling = rastejando

7) paw = pata

8) trapping = prendendo

9) apologized = pediu desculpas

10) spare his life = poupar sua vida

11) pitied = ficou com pena

12) trap = armadilha

13) ropes = cordas

14) struggled = lutou

15) roars = rugidos

16) rumbled = ecoaram

17) kindness = bondade/gentileza

18) sharp = afiado

19) teeth = dentes

20) gnaw = roer


1) Escolha a resposta correta:

a) What was a lion doing one day?   

b) Who was crawling over the lion?   

c) Who woke up?  

d) Who was very afraid?  

e) Did the lion eat the mouse? 

f) Where was the lion walking some time later?  
g) What captured the lion?  

h) Who heard the lion's cries?  

i) What did the mouse gnaw?  

j) Who set the lion free?  

2) Marque Verdadeiro ou Falso:

a) Um dia o rato estava dormindo.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

b) O rato acordou o leão.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

c) O rato pediu desculpas ao leão.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

d) O leão comeu o rato.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

e) O leão ficou com pena do rato.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

f) O leão correu atrás do rato.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

g) O leão ficou preso em uma armadilha.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

h) O leão se libertou sozinho.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

i) O rato ajudou o leão.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

j) O leão e o rato ficaram amigos para sempre.
(    ) Verdadeiro
(    ) Falso

3) A moral da fábula "Good deeds are rewarded" significa:

(   ) A bondade não está perdida.
(   ) Boas ações são recompensadas.
(   ) Uma gentileza nem sempre é necessário.

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