Consolando e Tentando Ajudar
1) Você está bem? / Tudo bem contigo?
Are you ok?
Are you ok?
2) Vai ficar tudo bem. / Vai dar tudo certo.
It'll be ok. / It'll be all right.
It'll be ok. / It'll be all right.
3) Desabafa.
Get it off your chest.
Get it off your chest.
4) Veja o lado bom das coisas.
Look on the bright side.
Look on the bright side.
5) Não se preocupe. / Deixa prá lá. / Não importa.
Don't worry. / Never mind.
Don't worry. / Never mind.
6) Não deixe isso te afetar.
Don't let it get to you.
Don't let it get to you.
7) Te acalma. / Vai com calma.
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
8) Felizmente não aconteceu nada.
Fortunately nothing happened.
Fortunately nothing happened.
9) Ainda bem que ... / Graças a Deus!
Good thing! / Thank God!
Good thing! / Thank God!
10) Não foi tua culpa.
It was not your fault.
It was not your fault.
11) Pode contar comigo.
You can count on me. / You can lean on me.
You can count on me. / You can lean on me.
12) Estarei sempre a teu lado.
I'll always be there for you.
I'll always be there for you.
13) Coitado. / Coitadinho.
Poor thing.
Poor thing.
14) Meus pêsames.
My sympathies. / My condolences.
My sympathies. / My condolences.
15) Tenho pena deles (sinto por eles).
I feel sorry for them.
I feel sorry for them.
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