
Datas em Inglês - Month - Day - Year


Como Escrever e Dizer Datas em Inglês

As datas em inglês são escritas colocando o nome do mês, seguido do número ordinal do dia e uma vírgula seguida do ano.

July 28th, 2018 (ou July 28,2018) 
= 28 de Julho de 2018

A mesma data, só que escrita por extenso:
July twenty-eighth, twenty eighteen

A data em inglês é sempre falada no ordinal. O uso da terminação do ordinal (st,nd,rd e th) é opcional na escrita, mas na fala é obrigatório.

Note que o ano é divido em duas partes, 
e escritas separadamente:2018 ficou “vinte dezoito”.

Para saber sobre os números ordinais em inglês acesse:

meses do ano em inglês

Os meses em inglês são sempre escritos 
com letra Maiúscula.

janeiro - January
fevereiro - February
março -  March
abril - April
maio -  May
junho - June
julho - July
agosto - August
setembro - September
outubro - October
novembro - November
dezembro - December

Para saber mais, acesse os links:


ADVERBS There...

Advérbios começados com THERE


It concerns something that has just been mentioned.
It is another (more formal) way of saying "of it". 


I don't want to discuss this issue or anything related thereof.

Success, or lack thereof, depends more on your business plan that just bits and bytes.


In that place, time, or thing, in that circumstance or respect.


Therein lies the promise that this monopoly is going to extend its commerce wide in the earth.

This boat and all therein should be mine.

But I think therein lies a great opportunity to create what communities really want.


From a specified time onward; from then on.

Thereafter the remainder of the story was the pure psychology of fear.


By that means; because of that.


The competition was subsequently changed to Easter in 1963, thereby opening it up to interstate competition.

He became a citizen in 2001, thereby gaining the right to vote.


For that reason or cause; consequently.


Therefore, when a battery shows signs of diminishing power and range effectiveness it makes sense to replace it

You're not here as a solicitor...Therefore, you're entitled to call some other solicitor.


Under this, that, or it. Under something that has just been mentioned; according to a document, law, or part of an agreement that has just been mentioned.

Any such contract may be set aside absolutely or, if the party who was entitled to avoid it has received any benefit thereunder.

You must see the items listed thereunder.


On or upon this/ that/or it.


For your term paper, you need to read that book and the commentary thereon.


Concerning that matter; upon that; directly following that; in consequence of that; immediately after that


Thereupon the entire class applauded.

I have read your article, and wish to comment thereupon.




1st – First (primeiro)
2nd – Second (segundo)
3rd – Third  (terceiro)
4th – Fourth  (quarto)
5th – Fifth  (quinto)
6th – Sixth  (sexto)
7th – Seventh  (sétimo)
8th – Eighth (oitavo)
9th – Ninth  (nono)
10th – Tenth  (décimo)
11th – Eleventh (décimo- primeiro)
12th – Twelfth  (décimo- segundo)
13th – Thirteenth (décimo- terceiro)
14th – Fourteenth (décimo- quarto)
15th – Fifteenth (décimo- quinto)
16th - Sixteenth   (décimo- sexto)
17th – Seventeenth    (décimo- sétimo)
18th – Eighteenth    (décimo- oitavo)
19th – Nineteenth (décimo- nono)
20th – Twentieth (vigésimo)
21st – Twenty-first
22nd – Twenty-second
23rd -  Twenty-third
24th -  Twenty-fourth
25th - Twenty-fifth
26th - Twenty-sixth
27th  - Twenty-seventh
28th  - Twenty-eighth
29th  - Twenty-ninth
30th – Thirtieth
40th – Fortieth
50th - Fiftieth
60th - Sixtieth
70th - Seventieth
80th -  Eightieth
90th     - Ninetieth
100th - Hundredth
101st - Hundred and first
1000th -Thousandth


1) Note que nas dezenas a partir do vinte, diferentemente dos cardinais, ao invés de ty, colocaremos tie, seguido do th.(20th – Twentieth)

2) As abreviações são formadas assim:
número + duas últimas letras da palavra composta
First (1º) = 1st
Second (2º) = 2nd
Third (3º) = 3rd
Twenty-fifth (25º) = 25th

3) As dezenas, centenas e milhares são como nos números cardinais, apenas adicionando o th após o hundred/thousand/million
Centésimo = one hundredth = 100th
Milésimo = one thousandth = 1,000th
Milionésimo = one millionth = 1,000,000th

4) Os números ordinais são frequentemente usados em frações.

Símbolo     Palavra 

1/8           One eighth

1/5           One fifth

1/4           One quarter

3/4           Three quarters

1/3           One third

2/3           Two thirds

1/2           One half